Lindenii Project Forge
Commit info | |
ID | 087551b68d8fd9fdf5f2dca27cbd1655194453e3 |
Author | Runxi Yu<> |
Author date | Wed, 12 Feb 2025 19:52:31 +0800 |
Committer | Runxi Yu<> |
Committer date | Wed, 12 Feb 2025 19:52:49 +0800 |
Actions | Get patch |
*.go: Reformat
package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "strings" ) type http_router_t struct{} func (router *http_router_t) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { segments, _, err := parse_request_uri(r.RequestURI) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } if segments[0] == ":" { if len(segments) < 2 { http.Error(w, "Blank system endpoint", http.StatusNotFound) return } switch segments[1] { case "static": static_handler.ServeHTTP(w, r) case "source": source_handler.ServeHTTP(w, r) default: http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown system module type: %s", segments[1]), http.StatusNotFound) } return } separator_index := -1 for i, part := range segments { if part == ":" { separator_index = i break } } non_empty_last_segments_len := len(segments) dir_mode := false if segments[len(segments)-1] == "" { non_empty_last_segments_len-- dir_mode = true } params := make(map[string]string) _ = params switch { case non_empty_last_segments_len == 0: handle_index(w, r) case separator_index == -1: http.Error(w, "Group indexing hasn't been implemented yet", http.StatusNotImplemented) case non_empty_last_segments_len == separator_index+1: http.Error(w, "Group root hasn't been implemented yet", http.StatusNotImplemented) case non_empty_last_segments_len == separator_index+2: module_type := segments[separator_index+1] params["group_name"] = segments[0] switch module_type { case "repos": handle_group_repos(w, r, params) default: http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown module type: %s", module_type), http.StatusNotFound) } default: module_type := segments[separator_index+1] module_name := segments[separator_index+2] params["group_name"] = segments[0] switch module_type { case "repos": params["repo_name"] = module_name // TODO: subgroups if non_empty_last_segments_len == separator_index+3 { if !dir_mode { http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.Path+"/", http.StatusSeeOther) return } handle_repo_index(w, r, params) return } repo_feature := segments[separator_index+3] switch repo_feature { case "tree": params["rest"] = strings.Join(segments[separator_index+4:], "/") handle_repo_tree(w, r, params) case "raw": params["rest"] = strings.Join(segments[separator_index+4:], "/") handle_repo_raw(w, r, params) case "log": if non_empty_last_segments_len != separator_index+5 { http.Error(w, "Too many parameters", http.StatusBadRequest) return } if dir_mode { http.Redirect(w, r, strings.TrimSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/"), http.StatusSeeOther) return } params["ref"] = segments[separator_index+4] handle_repo_log(w, r, params) case "commit": if dir_mode { http.Redirect(w, r, strings.TrimSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/"), http.StatusSeeOther) return } params["commit_id"] = segments[separator_index+4] handle_repo_commit(w, r, params) default: http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown repo feature: %s", repo_feature), http.StatusNotFound) } default: http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown module type: %s", module_type), http.StatusNotFound) } } } var err_bad_request = errors.New("Bad Request")
package main import ( "fmt" "net" "os" "os/exec" glider_ssh "" "" go_ssh "" ) func serve_ssh() error {
hostKeyBytes, err := os.ReadFile(config.SSH.Key)
host_key_bytes, err := os.ReadFile(config.SSH.Key)
if err != nil { return err }
hostKey, err := go_ssh.ParsePrivateKey(hostKeyBytes)
host_key, err := go_ssh.ParsePrivateKey(host_key_bytes)
if err != nil { return err } server := &glider_ssh.Server{ Handler: func(session glider_ssh.Session) { client_public_key := session.PublicKey() var client_public_key_string string if client_public_key != nil { client_public_key_string = string(go_ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(client_public_key)) } _ = client_public_key_string cmd := session.Command() if len(cmd) < 2 { fmt.Fprintln(session.Stderr(), "Insufficient arguments") return } if cmd[0] != "git-upload-pack" { fmt.Fprintln(session.Stderr(), "Unsupported command") return } fs_path, err := get_repo_path_from_ssh_path(session.Context(), cmd[1]) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(session.Stderr(), "Error while getting repo path:", err) return } proc := exec.CommandContext(session.Context(), cmd[0], fs_path) proc.Stdin = session proc.Stdout = session proc.Stderr = session.Stderr() err = proc.Start() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(session.Stderr(), "Error while starting process:", err) return } err = proc.Wait()
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok { fmt.Fprintln(session.Stderr(), "Process exited with error", exitError.ExitCode())
if exit_error, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok { fmt.Fprintln(session.Stderr(), "Process exited with error", exit_error.ExitCode())
} else if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(session.Stderr(), "Error while waiting for process:", err) } }, PublicKeyHandler: func(ctx glider_ssh.Context, key glider_ssh.PublicKey) bool { return true }, KeyboardInteractiveHandler: func(ctx glider_ssh.Context, challenge go_ssh.KeyboardInteractiveChallenge) bool { return true }, }
listener, err := net.Listen(config.SSH.Net, config.SSH.Addr) if err != nil { return err } go func() { err = server.Serve(listener) if err != nil { clog.Fatal(1, "Serving SSH: "+err.Error()) } }() return nil }