Lindenii Project Forge
Commit info | |
ID | 7fb303be23cfff5ac52684310184576d34099a3e |
Author | Runxi Yu<> |
Author date | Mon, 10 Feb 2025 21:17:50 +0800 |
Committer | Runxi Yu<> |
Committer date | Mon, 10 Feb 2025 21:17:50 +0800 |
Actions | Get patch |
resources: Serve source and static properly ... except that it won't run because of URL conflicts for now
package main import ( "flag" "net" "net/http" "" ) func main() { config_path := flag.String( "config", "/etc/lindenii/forge.scfg", "path to configuration file", ) flag.Parse() err := load_config(*config_path) if err != nil { clog.Fatal(1, "Loading configuration: "+err.Error()) } err = load_templates() if err != nil { clog.Fatal(1, "Loading templates: "+err.Error()) } err = serve_static() if err != nil { clog.Fatal(1, "Serving static: "+err.Error()) }
http.HandleFunc("/{$}", handle_index) http.HandleFunc("/{category_name}/repos/{$}", handle_category_repos) http.HandleFunc("/{category_name}/repos/{repo_name}/{$}", handle_repo_index) http.HandleFunc("/{category_name}/repos/{repo_name}/tree/{ref}/{rest...}", handle_repo_tree) listener, err := net.Listen(config.HTTP.Net, config.HTTP.Addr) if err != nil { clog.Fatal(1, "Listening: "+err.Error()) } err = http.Serve(listener, nil) if err != nil { clog.Fatal(1, "Serving: "+err.Error()) } }
package main import ( "embed" "html/template" "io/fs" "net/http" )
//go:embed .gitignore LICENSE //go:embed *.go go.mod go.sum //go:embed *.scfg //go:embed static/* templates/* var source_fs embed.FS func serve_source() { http.Handle("/source/", http.StripPrefix( "/source/", http.FileServer(http.FS(source_fs)), ), ) }
//go:embed templates/* static/* var resources_fs embed.FS var templates *template.Template func load_templates() (err error) { templates, err = template.New("templates").Funcs(template.FuncMap{ "first_line": first_line, "base_name": base_name, }).ParseFS(resources_fs, "templates/*") return err } func serve_static() (err error) { static_fs, err := fs.Sub(resources_fs, "static") if err != nil { return err }
http.StripPrefix( "/static/", http.FileServer(http.FS(static_fs)), ), ) return nil }