Lindenii Project Forge
Commit info
AuthorRunxi Yu<>
Author dateThu, 13 Feb 2025 09:12:56 +0800
CommitterRunxi Yu<>
Committer dateThu, 13 Feb 2025 09:12:56 +0800
Get patch
_repo_header.html: Purge

We'll integrate this into the main header in the future
{{- define "repo_header" -}}
<a href="/{{ .group_name }}/">{{ .group_name }}</a>
<a href="/{{ .group_name }}/:">:</a>
<a href="/{{ .group_name }}/:/repos/">repos</a>
<a href="/{{ .group_name }}/:/repos/{{ .repo_name }}/">{{ .repo_name }}</a>
{{- end -}}
{{- define "repo_commit" -}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		{{ template "head_common" . }}
		<title>{{ .group_name }}/repos/{{ .repo_name }} &ndash; Lindenii Forge</title>
	<body class="repo-commit">
		{{ template "header" . }}
			{{ template "repo_header" . }}
		<div class="padding-wrapper scroll">
			<table id="commit-info-table">
					<tr class="title-row">
						<th colspan="2">Commit Info</th>
						<th scope="row">ID</th>
						<td>{{ .commit_id }}</td>
						<th scope="row">Author</th>
						<td>{{ .commit_object.Author.Name }} &lt;<a href="mailto:{{ .commit_object.Author.Email }}">{{ .commit_object.Author.Email }}</a>&gt;</td>
						<th scope="row">Author Date</th>
						<td>{{ .commit_object.Author.When.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" }}</td>
						<th scope="row">Committer</th>
						<td>{{ .commit_object.Committer.Name }} &lt;<a href="mailto:{{ .commit_object.Committer.Email }}">{{ .commit_object.Committer.Email }}</a>&gt;</td>
						<th scope="row">Committer Date</th>
						<td>{{ .commit_object.Committer.When.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" }}</td>
						<th scope="row">Message</th>
						<td><pre>{{ .commit_object.Message }}</pre></td>
						<th scope="row">Actions</th>
						<td><pre><a href="{{ .commit_object.Hash }}.patch">Get as Patch</a></pre></td>
		<div class="padding-wrapper">
			{{ $parent_commit_hash := .parent_commit_hash }}
			{{ $commit_object := .commit_object }}
			{{ range .file_patches }}
				<div class="file-patch toggle-on-wrapper">
					<input type="checkbox" id="toggle-{{ .From.Hash }}{{ .To.Hash }}" class="file-toggle toggle-on-toggle">
					<label for="toggle-{{ .From.Hash }}{{ .To.Hash }}" class="file-header toggle-on-header">
							{{ if eq .From.Path "" }}
								--- /dev/null
							{{ else }}
								--- a/<a href="../tree/{{ .From.Path }}?commit={{ $parent_commit_hash }}">{{ .From.Path }}</a> {{ .From.Mode }}
							{{ end }}
							<br />
							{{ if eq .To.Path "" }}
								+++ /dev/null
							{{ else }}
								+++ b/<a href="../tree/{{ .To.Path }}?commit={{ $commit_object.Hash }}">{{ .To.Path }}</a> {{ .To.Mode }}
							{{ end }}
					<div class="file-content toggle-on-content scroll">
						{{ range .Chunks }}
							{{ if eq .Type 0 }}
								<pre class="chunk chunk-unchanged">{{ .Content }}</pre>
							{{ else if eq .Type 1 }}
								<pre class="chunk chunk-addition">{{ .Content }}</pre>
							{{ else if eq .Type 2 }}
								<pre class="chunk chunk-deletion">{{ .Content }}</pre>
							{{ else }}
								<pre class="chunk chunk-unknown">{{ .Content }}</pre>
							{{ end }}
						{{ end }}
			{{ end }}
			{{ template "footer" . }}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "repo_index" -}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		{{ template "head_common" . }}
		<title>{{ .group_name }}/repos/{{ .repo_name }} &ndash; Lindenii Forge</title>
	<body class="repo-index">
		{{ template "header" . }}
			{{ template "repo_header" . }}
		<div class="padding-wrapper">
			<table id="repo-info-table">
					<tr class="title-row">
						<th colspan="2">Repo Info</th>
						<th scope="row">Clone</th>
						<td><code>git clone {{ .clone_url }}</code></td>
		<div class="padding-wrapper scroll">
			<input id="toggle-table-recent-commits" type="checkbox" class="toggle-table-off" />
			<table id="recent-commits" class="wide">
					<tr class="title-row">
						<th colspan="3"><label for="toggle-table-recent-commits">Recent Commits (<a href="log/{{ .ref }}/">see all</a>)</label></th>
					{{- range .commits }}
							<td class="commit-title"><a href="commit/{{ .ID }}">{{ .Message | first_line }}</a></td>
							<td class="commit-author">
								<a class="email-name" href="mailto:{{ .Author.Email }}">{{ .Author.Name }}</a>
							<td class="commit-time">
								{{ .Author.When.Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700" }}
					{{- end }}
		<div class="padding-wrapper scroll">
			<input id="toggle-table-file-tree" type="checkbox" class="toggle-table-off" />
			<table id="file-tree" class="wide">
					<tr class="title-row">
						<th colspan="3"><label for="toggle-table-file-tree">/ on {{ .ref }}</label></th>
					{{- $ref := .ref }}
					{{- range .files }}
							<td class="file-mode">{{ .Mode }}</td>
							<td class="file-name"><a href="tree/{{ .Name }}">{{ .Name }}</a>{{ if not .Is_file }}/{{ end }}</td>
							<td class="file-size">{{ .Size }}</td>
					{{- end }}
		<div class="padding-wrapper">
			<div id="refs">
		<div class="padding-wrapper">
			{{ if .readme }}
				<input id="toggle-table-readme" type="checkbox" class="toggle-table-off" />
				<table class="wide">
						<tr class="title-row">
							<th><label for="toggle-table-readme">{{ .readme_filename }}</label></th>
							<td id="readme">
								{{ .readme -}}
			{{ end }}
			{{ template "footer" . }}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "repo_log" -}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		{{ template "head_common" . }}
		<title>Log of {{ .group_name }}/repos/{{ .repo_name }} &ndash; Lindenii Forge</title>
	<body class="repo-log">
		{{ template "header" . }}
			{{ template "repo_header" . }}
		<table id="commits" class="wide">
				<tr class="title-row">
					<th colspan="4">Commits on {{ .ref }}</th>
					<th scope="col">ID</th>
					<th scope="col">Title</th>
					<th scope="col">Author</th>
					<th scope="col">Time</th>
				{{- range .commits }}
						<td class="commit-id"><a href="../commit/{{ .ID }}">{{ .ID }}</a></td>
						<td class="commit-title">{{ .Message | first_line }}</td>
						<td class="commit-author">
							<a class="email-name" href="mailto:{{ .Author.Email }}">{{ .Author.Name }}</a>
						<td class="commit-time">
							{{ .Author.When.Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700" }}
				{{- end }}
			{{ template "footer" . }}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "repo_raw_dir" -}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		{{ template "head_common" . }}
		<title>{{ .group_name }}/repos/{{ .repo_name }}/{{ .path_spec }}{{ if ne .path_spec "" }}/{{ end }} &ndash; Lindenii Forge</title>
	<body class="repo-raw-dir">
		{{ template "header" . }}
			{{ template "repo_header" . }}
		<div class="padding-wrapper scroll">
			<table id="file-tree" class="wide">
					<tr class="title-row">
						<th colspan="3">
							(Raw) /{{ .path_spec }}{{ if ne .path_spec "" }}/{{ end }} on {{ .ref }}
					{{- $path_spec := .path_spec }}
					{{- range .files }}
							<td class="file-mode">{{ .Mode }}</td>
							<td class="file-name"><a href="{{ .Name }}{{ if not .Is_file }}/{{ end }}">{{ .Name }}</a>{{ if not .Is_file }}/{{ end }}</td>
							<td class="file-size">{{ .Size }}</td>
					{{- end }}
		<div class="padding-wrapper">
			<div id="refs">
			{{ template "footer" . }}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "repo_tree_dir" -}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		{{ template "head_common" . }}
		<title>{{ .group_name }}/repos/{{ .repo_name }}/{{ .path_spec }}{{ if ne .path_spec "" }}/{{ end }} &ndash; Lindenii Forge</title>
	<body class="repo-tree-dir">
		{{ template "header" . }}
			{{ template "repo_header" . }}
		<div class="padding-wrapper scroll">
			<table id="file-tree" class="wide">
					<tr class="title-row">
						<th colspan="3">
							/{{ .path_spec }}{{ if ne .path_spec "" }}/{{ end }} on {{ .ref }}
					{{- $path_spec := .path_spec }}
					{{- range .files }}
							<td class="file-mode">{{ .Mode }}</td>
							<td class="file-name"><a href="{{ .Name }}{{ if not .Is_file }}/{{ end }}">{{ .Name }}</a>{{ if not .Is_file }}/{{ end }}</td>
							<td class="file-size">{{ .Size }}</td>
					{{- end }}
		<div class="padding-wrapper">
			<div id="refs">
		<div class="padding-wrapper">
			{{ if .readme }}
				<table class="wide">
						<tr class="title-row">
							<th>{{ .readme_filename }}</th>
							<td id="readme">
								{{ .readme -}}
			{{ end }}
			{{ template "footer" . }}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "repo_tree_file" -}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		{{ template "head_common" . }}
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="/:/static/chroma.css" />
		<title>{{ .group_name }}/repos/{{ .repo_name }}/{{ .path_spec }} &ndash; Lindenii Forge</title>
	<body class="repo-tree-file">
		{{ template "header" . }}
			{{ template "repo_header" . }}
			/{{ .path_spec }} (<a href="/{{ .group_name }}/:/repos/{{ .repo_name }}/raw/{{ .path_spec }}{{ if not (eq .ref_type "head") }}?{{ .ref_type }}={{ .ref }}{{ end }}">raw</a>)
		{{ .file_contents }}
			{{ template "footer" . }}
{{- end -}}